Buy Gluten-free flour wholesale
Our technologists have developed a special line of products with specified properties:
– Standard flour – flour of standard grinding, humidity up to 15%;
– Texture flour – undergoes special heat treatment, humidity up to 9%;
– Super and Super+ flour – for baby food, with pure microbiology;
– Special flour – with specified properties at customer’s request.

Monitoring is carried out in two stages:
1. Input control of raw materials.
2. Control of finished products.
The company analysis is conducted using the test system RIDA-QUICK Gliadin production of R-Biopharm, Germany external control carried out in SE ``Poltava regional scientific and technical center of standardization, metrology and certification`` accredited according to requirements of State Standard ISO / IEC 17025: 2006.
ISO 22000: 2005 «Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain» (system of food safety. Requirements for any organization in the food chain) - harmonized with the standards of quality management, environmental management and customized certification first standard
which was published in 2005, and establishes uniform requirements for HACCP.
AOECS standard for gluten-free products has been introduced into production. According to the rules of AOECS, the license is issued for 1 year, during which NGO ``Ukrainian Celiac Union`` will conduct independent monitoring.
Today we can proudly state that Ukraine has joined the family of certified European producers of gluten-free products.
It is believed that kosher food is much better and safer, as prepared by special technology and under close supervision of a rabbi or Rabbinate.
Particular attention is given to meat, milk and eggs, the composition of feed, which enable animals and birds.
Also, all products are tested for the presence of antibiotics, hormones and GMOs.
Kosher Certification - a company check and raw materials for compliance with the rules provided by the laws of Judaism.
Inspection conducted by specialist technology department, which has thoroughly Jewish laws and technology of food production.
Requirements for organizations in any food chain. ``
This standard specifies requirements for management systems in organizations associated with the production and consumption of food, and is aimed at demonstrating their ability to control food safety and ensure that released their products are safe for consumers.